Saturday, 7 July 2007

A Seven kind of day

well today is one of those special days.
I set my alarm for 7am so that I could put an entry on my blog at seven minutes past seven on the seventh day of the seventh month of the seventh year of the century.
The alarm went off at seven and I leapt out of bed and sprinted to the laptop, (well perhaps staggered, bumping into doorframe would be a more apt way of describing what I did) opened it and turned it on got onto "blogspot" and pressed new post only to find that my bedside clock was seven minutes slow and in fact it was already 14 minutes past seven. And now I've checked and it is in fact 15 minutes past seven. Totally bombed out.
Well, regardless, I have put my new post on at 7 (14 which is double 07)am on 07 day of 07 month on '07 year.
Enjoy the day!

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