Friday, 22 August 2008

Eat a banana today or a woolfberry or 3

Bananas are a good source of potassium, fibre and energy.
There remains some debate regarding whether or not bananas have a high glycemic index value, which spikes blood sugar and disrupts long-term energy levels.
An alternative to the humble banana is celery which contains more potassium than the banana and also Chinese wolfberries are better still.They are a more balanced form of energy and nutrition, and provide a host of other vitamins.
Below is what the wolfberry looks like. It is one of the most promising health-supporting foods; with over 15 percent protein, 21 essential minerals and 18 amino acids, it is nutrient-dense and is a superfood in a class all its own.It provides the immune system with much necessary properties. There is substantial evidence that the lycium polysaccharides in the wolfberry have significant antioxidant and immune-supporting properties. Research studies revealed that berry young juice increased spleenic phagocyte cell counts which are the immune cells by 81%. A most significant increase by any ones account.

Chinese wolfberries had been used for thousands of years to treat a wide range of illnesses. People in China who consumed them on a regular basis have been found to live remarkably healthy lives for 100-plus years.The berries have been found to boost the immune system, protect the liver, improve the quality of blood, and improve vision.

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