Thursday, 20 December 2007

Planetary alligned with the Galactic Centre

A very remarkable planetary/galactic configuration occurs on December 23rd and 24th 2007. The configuration on December 23 — Mars, Earth, Sun, Mercury, Jupiter, Galactic Centre — is shown in the graphic simulation linked below; it becomes even more remarkable in that it will be accompanied by the Full Moon (conjunct Mars) at about 2 a.m. on December 24 when a simultaneous Venus square Neptune occurs. It is even more remarkable in that the Pluto/Sun conjunction appears exactly on the Winter Solstice, just past conjunction with the Galactic Centre. Link below is the view from Mars toward the Jupiter, Mars, Earth, Mercury, Pluto alignment toward the Galactic Centre on 23 December 2007 which occurs just after the Pluto/Jupiter (Heliocentric) conjunction on 23 November 2007. NASA Solar System Simulator for 23rd Dec 2007 Solar System on Dec 22, 2007. What is not shown is Pluto (which would be to Jupiter's right) Saturn, which follows down from Venus, and Uranus and Neptune. Saturn and Neptune form the cross's t-member. It is a 23/12 configuration. There will be a full moon on Dec. 23, 2007 The Conjunction involving these Planets is Alligned with the Galactic Centre through Pluto. The incredible amount of Energy that will be going full tilt in to our Sun on the 23rd will be World changing and will affect every Planet in our Solar System... What happens when you put too much current through a Light Bulb? Will it explode? Will it change the Solar rays into a different kind of energy? We do not have very long to find out. The fact of the matter though is something very powerful will indeed happen.

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