Sunday, 10 June 2007

As I thought, blue moon this month

This month there will be two full moons and, according to folklore, that makes it a Blue Moon month.The phrase 'Blue Moon' has been around a long time, well over 400 years and during that time its meaning has shifted over the last four centuries of literature and folklore, there have been at least six different meanings which have been carried over into countless songs and verse.As an example, in song, blue moons are a symbol of loneliness - when love conquers all.
The most obvious meaning of Blue Moon is when the full moon appears to a casual observer to be unusually bluish, which is a rare event but it can happen.The effect can be caused by smoke or dust particles in the atmosphere.Water droplets when the air is damp and heavy scatter red and green light while allowing other colours to pass. A white moonbeam passing through such a misty cloud turns blue. Clouds of ice crystals, fine-grained sand, volcanic ash or smoke from forest fires can have the same effect.There is another reason for Blue Moons as well and our eyes are the culprit. Our eyes have automatic 'white balances' just like digital cameras. Go outdoors from a cozy camping tent lit by an oil lamp (yellow light) and the Moon will appear blue until your eyes adjust.In recent times, people have taken to using the term Blue Moon based on the Gregorian calendar. While most years contain twelve full moons to match the twelve months, every two or three years there is a year with thirteen full moons. On average, this happens once every 2.72 years and we have a Blue Moon. The last time we experienced a blue moon was in August 2004,The next one won't happen until December 2009.The second full moon over our area this month will be on June 30.

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